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2024 KIMES


International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES 2024) which based on the slogan “Better technology to make the world beautiful!” held from 14th to 17th march at Seoul coax, KOREA. DAIHWA CORP. took one of booth to promote devices, DS-5000 TIVA (TCI PUMP), MEDITOM DE-400E, MEDITOM DUB-100 and MEDISONIC DU-series which ultrasonic energy devices.

Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea is part of organizer. Domestic and international sales dept. working on establishing sales plan and Pre-ordering up coming products through conference with agency. Many thanks to all the members of DAIWHA CORP.



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Name of company : DAIWHA CORP.,LTD

Name of representative : Dae young Yoon

Company Registration Number : 220-81-04837

H.Q : DAIWHA Bldg., 3, Yeoksam-ro 33-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06224, Korea

          T. +82.2.558.1711  I  F. +82.2.554.0317

Factory : 135, Donghwagongdan-ro, Munmak-eup, Wounju-si, Gangwon-do 26365, Korea

          T. +82.33.743.9383 ㅣ F. +82.33.742.9387

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